This week in history: Housing deal with Forest Service is a go, college enrollment jumps, plane crashes

Brad Odekirk/Summit Daily News archives
1 year ago: Summit County secures first-of-its-kind housing deal with US Forest Service
White River National Forest officials and Summit County government leaders signed a lease for a first-of-its-kind housing project on Sept. 27 — three days before their authority to do so was set to expire. Officials had been in a race against time for months as they eyed a plan to lease Forest Service land to the county so it could be used as a site for new workforce housing. With a lease in hand, officials are ready to move forward on a proposal to bring between 162 and 177 income-based rental units to a roughly 11-acre parcel northeast of the intersection of U.S. Highway 6 and Lake Dillon Drive.
— From the Oct. 3, 2023, edition of the Summit Daily News
5 years ago: Peak Health Alliance expands to six additional Colorado counties
The Peak Health Alliance, the first nonprofit community health insurance purchasing cooperative in Colorado, announced it has expanded from Summit County to six other Colorado counties, including Archuleta, Dolores, Grand, La Plata, Montezuma and San Juan. Peak Health will provide technical support and expertise to independent affiliates forming in those counties. With Peak Health’s guidance, those affiliates will negotiate their own rates with their local health providers and choose their own insurance carriers, providing plans customized to their individual communities.
— From the Oct. 2, 2019, edition of the Summit Daily News
10 years ago: Silverthorne celebrates opening of $15 million affordable housing complex
Villa Sierra Madre II, a new $15.4 million affordable housing complex, officially opened in Silverthorne on Oct. 2, 2014. The project was funded by Catholic Charities in the Archdiocese of Denver and is the second phase of the Villa Sierra Madre development. The income-restricted complex is made up of 16 one-bedroom, 24 two-bedroom and 24 three-bedroom apartments, which can house 272 people, and serves working families earning between $25,000 and $60,000 per year.
— From the Oct. 5, 2014, edition of the Summit Daily News
15 years ago: Colorado Mountain College Breckenridge enrollment jumps 45%
Colorado Mountain College’s Breckenridge campus recorded a 45% increase in fall enrollment after its new $14 million building opened. A college official said enrollment increases have typically come with new CMC campus sites and economic downturns also tend to support community college growth. The Breckenridge campus has 1,032 students enrolled, up from 712 at its former location near downtown Breckenridge. Colorado Mountain College has seen a 9.2% increase in fall enrollment across all of its campuses compared to the year before.
— From the Oct. 5, 2009, edition of the Summit Daily News
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30 years ago: Rocky Mountain News photographer, pilot killed in plane crash
Rocky Mountain News photo editor Vern Walker, 44, and pilot Troy Hozempa, 33, were killed in a plane crash north of Green Mountain Reservoir early on Sept. 28, 1994. Investigators with the National Transportation Safety Board and Federal Aviation Administration were at the crash site on Sept. 29. The two men flew out from Boulder early that morning to take images of fall aspens for an upcoming book on Colorado and did not return at 10 a.m. as originally scheduled. The plane’s wreckage was spotted by mountain bikers around 2 p.m. not far from Mahan Lake near the Colorado Trail.
— From the Sept. 30, 1994, edition of the Summit Daily News
125 years ago: Commissioners approve funds to build a county jail
The Summit County Board of County Commissioners made a $3,000 appropriation and levied a tax of one mill to build a jail during a meeting on Oct. 6, 1899.
— From the Oct. 7, 1899, edition of the Summit County Journal

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