Breckenridge gets new deputy town manager after Shannon Haynes steps up to town manager role

Breckenridge got a new deputy town manager at the start of 2024 as former deputy town manager Shannon Haynes decided to step into the town manager role on Dec. 19. 

Scott Reid exited his role of director of recreation for the town of Breckenridge, a position he had held since 2016, to step into this role at the start of the new year. 

“I love Breckenridge and look forward to learning in my new role so that I can help support the community at large,” Reid said via email. 

Reid has a background as an outdoor guide, ski patroller and educator and worked at the Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics as the Education Director for several years. 

Reid has a master’s degree in forestry/natural resource management from Virginia Tech University and worked for the Summit County Open Space and Trails Department as a natural resource specialist from 2003-2005. 

He started with the Town of Breckenridge in September 2005 as an Open Space and Trails Planner. This position evolved over time with the Town’s Open Space and Trails Division, where he helped oversee that program for several years before being hired as the director of recreation.

Reid’s contact information can be found on Breckeenridge’s site at.

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