Frisco locals Gene and Therese Dayton, David O’Neill accept honors at Frisco council meeting

Jack Queen / |
Mayor Gary Wilkinson presented Gene and Therese Dayton with the Frisco’s Finest Award at a town council meeting Tuesday night. Wilkinson praised the couple for their long, dedicated service to the Frisco Nordic Center, which they have run for 28 years.
During that time, they have helped the sport thrive in Summit County by expanding the center and supporting local clubs. They also co-founded the Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center.
Therese thanked the town council and all departments of the town staff, many of which didn’t exist when she and her husband took over at the Nordic Center.
“Very few accomplishments in life are accomplished alone,” she said. “Thank you for your friendship and thank you for everything you’ve done.. We are very grateful to receive this award.”
Gene said he has two parting wishes: to see a Nordic tour around Lake Dillon and a re-birth of ski jumping in Frisco.
“We can’t thank you enough for your commitment and service,” said Wilkinson. “You will be missed.”
Afterward, David O’Neill and Kate Clement accepted the Eagle Award from Housing Colorado on behalf of Brynn Grey Partners for their Peak One neighborhood in Frisco. The award celebrates extraordinary accomplishments and outstanding leadership in housing and support services.
The Peak One neighborhood consists of 69 homes, most restricted to families earning between 80 and 120 percent the area median income, and they can only be sold to other families in the local workforce.
“Thank you for all your dedicated, friendship and leadership. We’re so thankful to be a part of this team, and hopefully we’ll get to build another.”
“I felt privileged to be able to change the landscape in front of my house that I’ve lived in for 30 years and see it transformed,” O’Neill said. “I got the opportunity to get my hands dirty and build something nice.”

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