Obituary: Mark P. Addison

Mark P. Addison
Mark P. Addison
Provided Photo

September 22, 1934 – January 6, 2025

Born September 22, 1934, graduated from the University of Colorado. Married Polly in 1957, grown children Douglas, Susan, Annie, Timothy and Sarah and grandchildren Libby, Callie, Kai and Taber survive.

In 1961 Mark helped found and then managed DESIGN MASTER for nearly thirty years. He was active in floral industry as Chair of the American Academy of Florists and received the Award of Merit and Honorary Lifetime Membership from the American Institute of Floral Designers. He appeared on numerous programs and lectured about color in this country and overseas.

Beginning in 1955, Mark was also a ski instructor, first in the Army at Camp Hale teaching skiing, climbing and survival, continuing finally as a telemark instructor at Copper Mountain in 2005. Mark became a Certified Ski Instructor in 1960 and was president of the Rocky Mountain Ski Instructors in 1970/71. With a few others he helped change American ski teaching from a focus on technique to become student centered.

After he sold DESIGN MASTER in 1991, Mark taught contemporary art history at the University of Colorado in Boulder where he later was awarded the Regents Medal.

For more than forty years Mark served on the board of many non-profit arts organizations. He created and funded his own mini-grants program for emerging artists and small arts groups in Boulder County. Later he founded and funded the Bump in the Road Fund for human service non-profits to help with unexpected problems. In Summit County Mark started and funded a Neglected Needs fund for county non-profits.

Mark and Polly collected art for many years. Most of their collection has been gifted to four Colorado museums.

Mark traveled extensively, first for business and later for adventure. There was an early trip to the Soviet Union then later to the Russian Far East. Polly and Mark were among the first Americans to visit Communist China in January, 1979. The High Arctic held special interest and Mark was able to reach both the North Pole and the South Pole in 2002. The list of exotic destinations was capped by a 2007 50thWedding Anniversary trip around the world via the Southern Hemisphere with children invited to meet them along the way.

Mark’s life was a broad range of experiences, some successful and others less so. For better and for worse, Mark lived a very full life.

Mark’s surviving friends are encouraged to celebrate his life by “remembering when…” There will be a private service for family members only.

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