Summit County Bike Trails: Williams Peak
Distance: 21 miles
Rating: Moderate
Time: 4 hours
Elevation: 10,250 – 11,200 ft.
Type: Out & back, dirt road
Season: Late June to early October
This rolling ridgetop rides along the Williams Fork Range passing numerous viewpoints that provide breathtaking vistas of the Gore Range and into the Williams Fork drainage.Strong riders can lengthen this ride by parking immediately after leaving the Hwy and pedaling up to the ridge. The first few miles of this road are also great early-season riding and are sometimes dry by late May. Expect hunters during fall.
Begin riding south on the road that forks right from the junction. The first 2 miles consist of great cruising along grassy slopes and through aspen groves. You may see hangliders; the ridge is a favorite launching point. At almost 2.5 miles, begin a steady, 1-mile climb. The road finally levels and winds through the trees. Pass a side road that drops steeply to the left. At a junction a short distance further, stay left. Then, contour around the left side of a peak over a rocky section of road and pass another spur that drops to the left. Beyond this point, you are treated to the first of several spectacular viewpoints. Continue winding along the ridge through dense forest and past scenic vistas. You’ll pass the easy-to-miss Williams Peak Trail, which forks left at about 8.5 miles. The road eventually veers left and descends gradually to the route’s dead end. Return as you came.
Drive 25 miles north of Silverthorne on Hwy 9. About a mile past Green Mountain Reservoir, turn right onto Williams Peak Road and follow it for 6 miles to the ridgetop. Park at the 3-way junction.
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