Letter to the editor: Here are reasons why we should all take the bus

Wendy Kerner

The public transportation system in Summit County is fantastic!

I didn’t have a car for a few days and was taking the bus from Frisco to Breckenridge. Now, even though I have my car back, I am still going to take the bus.

I highly recommend it. Here are some reasons why:

  • The drivers are prompt, reliable, and most are really friendly
  • It’s free
  • The schedule is easy to decipher
  • Walking to and from the bus stops is good exercise
  • You can kick back and relax, catch up on phone calls and texts, work on your computer, scroll mindlessly on social media (hopefully not), or here is a “novel” idea — read a book
  • By foregoing driving your car, you are helping decrease greenhouse gas emissions and traffic congestion
  • You don’t need a designated driver if you plan on imbibing
  • You can strike up a conversation with fellow bus riders
  • You are saving on gas

Next, I want to give a special shout out to the drivers who worked on Thanksgiving. I’m so grateful to you!

Finally, a special tip: If the bus pulls up and you are not quite at the bus stop, wave them down. They won’t know you want to catch the bus unless you do. They will wait about 30 seconds.

Hope to see you on the bus!

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