Letter to the editor: Takeaways from the school district’s failure
In the resounding 57% to 43% loss delivered on Summit School District’s $195 million bond proposal, there were several messages delivered by the voters.
- Do not bring us anymore “pig in a poke” ballot measures. If you give us a choice of having to swallow a host of issues we don’t want, to vote for the one we do support you will get none.
- Mr. Oakley Van Oss’s vocational program has shown great results on a “shoestring” basis. It is worthy of more support. If it is brought to the voters as a standalone measure, I believe it would pass easily. How about it?
- You must partner with other local agencies on workforce housing. Going it alone is just too expensive. You have the land. They have the know-how. Make the call.
- Look at the demographic trends regarding a new Breckenridge elementary school. Statewide prekindergarten through 12th grade enrollment has been relatively flat for a decade with a 2023-2024 decline of -.2%. Locally the trend is similar with a 2019-2024, 5-year trend of -.14%. These statistics are on the Colorado Department of Education website. Yes, this is a relatively small decrease, but the trend isn’t your friend. It doesn’t argue for a large new expensive facility lasting decades to come. Buildings “eat” tax dollars annually.
- It was an arrogant move to bring this high-cost ballot measure forward considering the soaring local property taxes. What did you think would happen?
I know you had community meetings and surveys before bringing the bond issue to a vote. But were you truly listening or just going through the motions before proposing what you preordained?
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