Letter to the editor: The gas prices around Summit County are getting out of hand

Paul Smith

Summit County residents are used to paying a higher price for gasoline than the Denver metro area. What used to be around a 40-cent-per-gallon difference between the two communities is now over a dollar a gallon difference.

Not only have our local fuel distributors not responded by lowering prices, they now are in alignment with the Interstate 70 off-ramp gas stations that price-gouge unsuspecting travelers. Local residents all know what gas stations to avoid because of unreasonable elevated prices. Now, there is barely a price difference between.

We as residents are acutely aware of the scenario but are unable to do anything. Do we have any town or county counsil members or representatives that could start making some phone calls to the front offices of the business’s that we allow to conduct business in our community?

So much concern goes into local issues that impact specific areas of our community, how about a little help that impacts everyone in our community. 

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