Letter to the editor: We need to avoid socialism in our country and county

Allen Bacher

The recent Tony Jones opine in the Summit Daily hinges on the concept of “fair share,” which is a nebulous term concocted by the socialist concept crowd, coined into our lexicon by Obama and epitomized by the regimes of the liberal left.

The Supreme Court, years ago, ruled that owners of property have the right to rent.

What is in play is a battle being waged against the ever encroaching power of government over we, the people.

The Constitution clearly reserves powers that are established and granted by the people to government, not the other way around.

Government actions that encroaches on the rights of ownership in violation of the fifth and 14th amendments are prohibited.

The real conflict has arisen between the over the ideology of the collective good, which is the mantra of the liberal, progressive, socialist movement and the established constitutional concept of individual rights supported by common sense and sanity.

A considerable number of our ancestors fled the hopelessness of the socialism of foreign shores for the promise of individual rights and opportunity that is the bedrock of the American Dream.

Those that would impose the oppression under socialism on our country should consider that their very rights under the Constitution are in peril and once lost are never recovered. 

Would they consider leaving this citadel of individual freedoms and rights to go to those countries that do not hold out the promise of freedom from oppression and hope for the future to live long and prosper?

I have traveled, over time, a fair portion of the Earth. I have never encountered another country that comes close to our home of the brave and land of the free.

Note that nowhere on Earth are there so many people actively seeking to enter regardless of the legality.

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